Obtaining Algerian certification can be tricky, and delays can occur from not going in with the right certification plan, or having the incorrect understanding of the certification process. The following are preventable issues that can cause delays:
- Initial test plan not designed to leverage base model or wireless module to the full extent
- Product operating details are not well translated
- No designated in-country local representative
- Not setting up and scheduling CoC product inspection prior to shipment
- Certificate expirations cause unexpected lapse in coverage
G&M utilizes the following practices to achieve a fast and efficient Algeria certification:
- G&M can assign an in-country local representative to be the certificate holder
- Rely on G&M team’s experience to communicate directly with certification authorities to minimize communication gaps.
- Assist in shipping samples, and maintain good relationships with customs clearance agencies to expedite the clearance process
- Schedule pre-inspection for shipment
- Track and alert customers of upcoming renewals of certificates with G&M’s proprietary Certificate Alert and Tracking System (CATS)
G&M Compliance has established partners in Algeria to ensure that the certification process is completed in a timely manner. Our compliance experts understand the regulations and technical requirements necessary to minimize the risk of certification delays or rejection. In addition we stay updated on ever-changing regulations and requirements.
For more information, additional questions, or to request a quote – Please submit an online RFQ, Contact Us, or call.